Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices

Silicon Labs was founded in 1996 and released its first product, an updated DAA design that enabled manufacturers to reduce the size and cost of a modem, two years later. During its first three years, the company focused on RF and CMOS integration, and developed the world's first CMOS RF synthesizer for mobile phones which was released in 1999. Bluetooth Low Energy Software Development Kit. The Bluetooth SDK can be used to create standalone Bluetooth applications for Wireless Gecko SoCs or modules or alternatively network co-processor (NCP) applications.

  1. Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Wireless
  2. Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Download
  3. Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Bluetooth
  4. Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Am Fm

BGX modules provide a wireless link between other BGX modules andsmartphones. BGX modules create a serial interface replacement using thecustom Xpress streaming service. An embedded host transmits and receives datathrough UART RX and TX pins. Mobile apps can connect and communicate withBGX modules using the Xpress framework, which provides a simple API for BGXinteraction.

The following video gives a quick overview of how this works:

Demo with a PC

The following hardware and software are needed to reproduce the steps in the video.

BGX13 Demos

See the following for additional example demos for using the BGX13:

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BGX Commander Mobile Apps

BGX Commander is an app available for both iOS and Android devices. This appallows users to connect and communicate with BGX devices, exercising both thestreaming interface and the Xpress command API through remote commandexecution. To install the app on your mobile device, go to the appstore and search for 'BGX Commander'.

The app also provides an OTA service for users. Silicon Labs stronglyencourages users to perform an OTA update on BGX evaluation boards at the startof evaluation, to ensure that the module supports all the latest features andfunctionality.

Also note that the mobile apps were built using the Xpress framework, whichsimplifies communication between BGX devices and mobile apps. The source codefor BGX Commander, which includes the Xpress framework,is available on Github.

The BGX13P Evaluation Board

The BGX13P evaluation board provides a USB-to-serial interface that enablesusers to communicate with the on-board BGX13P through terminal programs. Theboard can also be connected to Silicon Labs EFM8 and EFM32 starter kits throughthe expansion header. This connectivity gives users the chance to prototypeapplications with embedded hosts.

Click herefor more information about the Bluetooth Xpress Starter Kit.

Evaluating BGX13 with a Terminal Program

The BGX13P's CP2102N serial-to-USB interface device requires installation ofa Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver.

Click herefor CP2102N VCP drivers.

Once drivers are installed, a BGX13P evaluation board connected to a PC throughthe USB connection will appear as a comm port. This comm port can be opened ina terminal application and users can communicate with the on-board BGX13Pthrough the terminal's interface.

Note that the default baud rate for the module is 115200, so the terminalprogram in use should be configured to use that baud rate.

Xpress Configurator

Xpress Configurator is a graphical configuration tool for Bluetooth Xpressmodules. With this tool, users can connect to a BGX device through a serial-to-USBbridge to adjust parameters and test performance. Input validation in the toolensures that all variables remain within limits. Allconfigurable variables include informative links that open content within the tool. Xpress Configurator also includes aterminal window with a live display of all interactions between the connectedPC and the Bluetooth Xpress module. This window shows how all configurationsettings translate to simple get commands. This terminal can also be used to test communication if the Bluetooth Xpress modulehas established a BLE connection.

Note that some early BGX13P evaluation boards are not recognized by Simplicity Studio.To correct this problem, the CP2102N on the evaluation board needs to bereconfigured. Instructions on how to do this arehere.

The WF200/WFM200 Wi-Fi Expansion Board is the best and fastest way to explore the capabilities of the WF200 Series of Wi-Fi Transceivers.The kit contains an expansion board that can be connected to an EMF32 MCU starter-kit.The expansion board allows the EFM32 MCU to connect to a WF200/WFM200 Wi-Fi module, which can connect to Wi-Fi networks, but also be an Access Point to which other devices can connect.

This document describes how to connect the WF200/WFM200 Wi-Fi EXP Board to a GG11 MCU and run an HTTP Server example that toggles the LEDs.

This demonstration runs the Wi-Fi Full MAC driver meant to communicate withthe WF(M)200 Silicon Labs Wi-Fi transceivers.

Naming convention

  • SoftAP: WF(M)200 configured in Wi-Fi Software-enabled Access Point mode
  • Station: WF(M)200 configured in Wi-Fi Station mode
  • AP: Any 'home network' or 'office network' Wi-Fi Access Point
  • Device: The PC or phone used to access the demo


Hardware Prerequisites

The WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Board contains a Wi-Fi module. To use the board, an MCU starter-kit is required, where the MCU will be the host that communicates and controls the Wi-Fi module.

  • One of the two Wi-Fi® expansion kits listed below:
WF200 Wi-Fi® Expansion Kit SLEXP8022AWFM200 Wi-Fi® Expansion Kit SLEXP8023A
  • The Host Microcontroller:
EFM32 Giant Gecko GG11 Starter Kit – SLSTK3701A

Software Prerequisites

  • The required software includes Simplicity Studio and the Gecko SDK Suite (32-bit MCU, Micrium OS Kernel, and lwIP).

  • The example project available in the SDK (from version 2.7) or from

  • A Serial terminal to communicate with the SLSTK3701A board. For example, Tera Term or Putty

The Micrium OS Kernel is designed to run on Silicon Labs devices only and it is free of charge. Lightweight IP (lwIP) is an open-source TCP/IP stack licensed under the BSD license.

Set up your Kit

  1. Connect the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to the EFM32 MCU Starter Kit.

  2. Ensure that the power selector switch on the EFM32 MCU STK is in the [AEM] position.

  3. Ensure that the power selector switch on the WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Board is in the [EXP VMCU] position.

  4. Set the communication interface switch to the [SPI] position.

  5. Provide power by connecting the [DBG] USB connector on the STK to the PC using the provided USB cable.

Install Simplicity Studio and the SDK

Simplicity Studio is a free software suite needed to start developing your application.

  1. Download the latest version of Simplicity Studio from the following link:

  2. Create a Silicon Labs account.

  3. Register your EFM32 Starter Kit by entering the Serial Number found in the packaging.

  4. In the Installation Manager, select the option [Install by Device].

  5. Connect the EFM32 Starter Kit, select it from the panel [Connected Devices] and move it to the panel [Selected Devices]

  6. Sign in with your Silicon Labs account credentials and install the Gecko SDK Suite including support for 32-bit MCU and Micrium OS Kernel.

Get the Example

Get the example from the SDK (from the version 2.7) or from the Github Repository. Follow the instructions from the section that fits your use case.

From the SDK

An SDK with the version 2.7 or higher is necessary for this section. If this does not match your case, either update Simplicity Studio packages orsee Get the Example from the Github Repository section.

  1. Connect the EFM32 Starter Kit and open Simplicity Studio

  2. Select the [Launcher] perspective.

  3. From the [Debug Adapters] panel on the left top corner, select your EFM32 Starter Kit under the J-Link Silicon Labs tree.

  4. Select the example [SLSTK3701A_micriumos_lwip_wfx] from the Software Examples list as illustrated in the image below:

  5. If the previous steps were done correctly, Simplicity Studio will display the project in the [Project Explorer] as shown below:

From the Github Repository

Clone the GitHub Repository

Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Wireless

  1. The example is hosted at GitHub. To download a copy of the example, go to the following link: Press the Green button [Clone or Download] on the right side to download the repository as a zip file.

  2. After the download is complete, extract the zip file to a folder on your PC with a short name to avoid any issues with long path names (e.g. C:).

Import the Project

  1. Open Simplicity Studio and press [File -> Import…].

  2. Click the link [More Import Options..].

  3. Select the option [General -> Existing Projects into Workspace] and click the button [Next].

  4. Select the root directory by browsing to the location where you extracted the repository.


  5. Click the button [Finish].

  6. If the previous steps were done correctly, Simplicity Studio will display the project in the [Project Explorer] as shown below:

Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Download

Start the Example

Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Bluetooth

  1. Right-Click over the project name to open the context menu and select [Debug As] and then the option [Silicon Labs ARM Program] to Build the Project and Launch a Debug Session.

  2. While the toolchain builds the project and launches the debug session, open the Device Manager in Windows OS to see the COM Port Number assigned to the USB device [J-Link CDC UART Port].

  3. Open a Serial Terminal application, such as PuTTY, configure it to the COM Port Number you found in the previous step, and set the UART settings to 115200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.

  4. After the Debug session is launched, the IDE will switch to the [Debug] perspective and will halt the CPU at the main entry point. Press the key [F8] to Resume execution.

  5. Watch the application’s progress on the Serial Terminal. Wait 5 seconds if you want to use the default settings. The application will go through the following stages before it is ready:

Drivers Silicon Labs Software Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Am Fm

You are ready to move to the Wi-Fi commissioning demonstration Primascan driver. page.