Germany Others Driver

  1. Germany Others Driver Ed
  2. Germany Others Driver Jobs
The flashcards below were created by user saylorohana on FreezingBlue Flashcards.
  1. For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation card as proof of automobile insurance under German law and U.S. Forces regulations.
  2. License plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor Vehicles automatically become the driver's property.
  3. The driver of a registered motor vehicle is required to observe which of the following with respect to U.S. Forces POV license plates?
    License plates will not altered. The rear license plate must be illuminated. License plates always must be firmly attached with bolts and screws.
  4. A driver who lends his or her vehicle to a member of the U.S. Forces is required to provide the borrower with the registration certificate.
  5. U.S. Forces regulations do not prohibit abandoning a privately owned vehicle (POV).
  6. Attaching old State license plates or signs to U.S. Forces POV plates is permitted.
  7. The Traffic Point System applies to military personnel and civilian employees, but does not apply to Family members.
  8. Persons declared ineligible for a U.S. Forces certificate of license will remain ineligible until they successfully petition the revoking authority for reinstatement of their eligibility.
  9. German police are empowered to arrest U.S. personnel when German laws are violated.
  10. German police do not have the authority to require U.S. Forces drivers to pay a warning fee for minor traffic violations.
  11. German traffic law does not require every user of a public road or highway to conduct himself or herself so that no other user is endangered, injured, unnecessarily impeded, or inconvenienced.
  12. A POV may not be rejected during mechanical inspection because of bent hoods, torn fenders, altered plates, or faulty body trimmings.
  13. Vehicles are considered unsafe if the tires have less than 1.6 millimeters of tread on any portion of the traction surface.
  14. If a vehicle is equipped with radial tires, the tires should be mounted on which of the following?
  15. Avoidable noises such as honking horns and racing engines are prohibited by the German traffic ordinance.
  16. Kilometers may be converted to miles by multiplying the kilometers by 6 and then dropping the last digit.
  17. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to sit in the front seat of a vehicle unless the rear seat is already occupied by children of that age group.
  18. Drivers are not always required to indicate their intention to pass by using directional signals.
  19. A disabled POV with warning devices not placed at a sufficient distance. Driving a POV while intoxicated. Driving a POV while fatigued.
  20. What should be considered when choosing a safe distance from the vehicle ahead?
  21. When approaching children, drivers must try to anticipate their behavior.
  22. The proper technique for driving around a curve is to slow down before the curve and accelerate toward the end of the curve.
  23. If the vehicle starts skidding while braking, the driver should do which of the following?
    Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly.
  24. Fast driving often leads to accidents in which of the following situations?
    At points where vision is restricted, at pedestrian crossings, at intersections and junctions.
  25. Drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up.
  26. Drivers who suddenly find themselves on an icy patch of road should continue driving with no abrupt change in direction, speed, or braking.
  27. Drivers must be especially careful when passing during twilight hours; they must be alert to vehicles without light coming from the other direction.
  28. When passing anothe vehicles, drivers must return to the right lane as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed.
  29. When approaching an intersection with directinoal arrows painted on the pavement, the driver will enter the appropriate lane and do which of the following?
  30. A continuous, solid, white center line on the road may not be crossed or even touched by the wheels of the driver's vehicle.
  31. When a broken white line and a solid white center line appear together, traffic on the broken-line side is permitted to pass.
  32. Directional arrows on the pavement must be followed once the driver has entered a lane that is so marked.
  33. Unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 (kph) applies to all vehicles on all highways and roads in Germany.
  34. Under certain circumstances, the maximum speed posted may be too fast for road and traffic conditions.
  35. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit within city limits is 60 kph.
  36. How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubled?
  37. Minimum speed limits must be obeyed according to which of the following?
    Except where road or traffic conditions make drivers drive more slowly. Except when visibility or weather conditions make drivers drive more slowly.
  38. When traveling on multilane roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left lane.
  39. A slow vehicle is being followed by several other vehicles that cannot pass because of the traffic. On reaching a suitable place, the driver of the slow vehicle should pull to the right to allow the other vehicles to pass.
  40. What must a driver do when approaching a round blue sign with a white number 30 on it?
    Stay off this road if driving a vehicle that can move only at a speed of less than 30 kph. Not drive at less than 30 kph, weather conidtions and traffic permitting.
  41. When passing, drivers must return to the right as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed.
  42. Drivers may exceed the posted speed limit while passing another vehicle.
  43. Drivers may not increase their speed while being passed.
  44. Drivers may pass a streetcar on the left when the road is a one-way street.
  45. Two-wheeled vehicles are particularly dangerous to pass and should be passed only with side clearance of at least 1.5 meters.
  46. When the traffic situation is unclear.
  47. At unmarked intersections, vehicle coming from the right have the right-of-way.
  48. In the city where no priority signs are posted, the driver on the widest street has the right-of-way.
  49. The 'right-before-left' rule applies at unmarked intersections.
  50. A driver wants to leave a private driveway and turn right onto a public road. At the same time, a cyclist is approaching from the left. Who has to wait?
  51. A driver who disregards the safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she has the right-of-way.
  52. A vehicle is considred to be parked when the driver leaves the vehicle or the vehicle has been stopped for longer than which of the following?
  53. On which streets is parking on the left permitted?
    On one-way streets and on streets that have streetcar tracks that do not permit parking on the right side.
  54. Outside city limits, the minimum distance for parking cars from a warning cross indicating a railroad corssing is 50 meters.
  55. Emergency warning equipment should be stored where?
    In the passenger compartment under the front seat.
  56. If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, U.S. Forces drivers are not required to notify the military police or security forces.
  57. Under the Good Samaritan Law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible.
  58. A person who is involved in a traffic accident and flees the scene may be prosecuted.
  59. When are drivers required to switch on headlights?
    At dusk and dawn, when weather conditions require it and when driving through fog.
  60. When is the use of fog lights and low-beam healights permitted in daylight?
    If visibility is reduced by fog or snowfall and if visibility is reduced by rain.
  61. When are drivers allowed to use only the parking lights while driving?
  62. Headlights must be dimmed for oncoming traffic and when following another driver to reduce the glare in his or her rearview mirror.
  63. Refusal to undergo a urine or blood alcohol content test when requested to do so by the military police or security forces will result in revocation of driving priveleges.
  64. If the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test.
  65. When a pedestrian suddenly steps out onto the roadway and when another vehicle suddenly backs into the street from a narrow driveway.
  66. During daytime, where is it permitted to use healights to signal the inention to pass?
  67. Inside city limits, drivers may indicate their intention to pass by flashing healights or sounding the horn.
  68. A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights.
  69. What is the minimum distance to park cars from marked or unmarked junctions or pedestrian crosswalks?
  70. On the autobahn.
  71. In front of a private driveway or an entrance, at taxi stands and wherever official signs expressly forbid it.
  72. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed?
  73. Drivers may park beside a traffic island as long as their parking lights are on.
  74. POVs may be left unattended and unlocked if no property of value is left in plain view.
  75. A driver is required to warn approaching traffic when his or her vehicle is stopped for any reason on any road.
  76. At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks down on any roadother than an autobahn?
  77. True.
  78. The turn indicator must be used for all turns and to warn other traffic of the driver's intention to do which of the following?
    Pass another vehicle or change lanes of traffic, pull away from a curb or parked position and leave a traffic circle.
  79. When a streetcar comes up behind a driver's vehicle while the driver is waiting to make a left turn, the driver must do which of the following?
    Move to the next block or to some point where a left turn can be made without holding up the streetcar.
  80. A driver on the right-hand side of the road who wants to turn left should do which of the following?
    Watch traffic to the rear, give a directional signal, and move next to the center line.
  81. When either nighttime or datime visibility is substantially reduced by fog, rain, or snowfall, use of low-beam headlights is required.
  82. What is the minimum speed a vehicle must be able to maintain on the autobahn?
  83. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, help can be obtained by which of the following?
    Using one of the telephone boxes located at regular intervals along the autobahn.
  84. How long may a driver remain in the passing lane while traveling at a high rate of speed?
    Only as long as necessary to pass other vehicles. Until the vehicle ahead completes its passing maneuver.
  85. Stopping, making U-turns, and backing up are prohibited on autobahns.
  86. If a driver misses anautobahn exit, the driver must drive to the next exit and use the overpass or underpass.
  87. Which parts of the autobahn are particularly prone to becoming ice hazards?
  88. Drivers who run out of gas on the autobahn may be fined for stopping on the autobahn.
  89. When vehicles are halted at railroad crossings at night waiting for a train to pass, drivers must turn on high-beam headlights.
  90. What must a driver do when passing a streetcar that has stopped to take on and let off passengers on the roadway?
    Stop and procceed only after the streetcar doors are closed and the roadway is clear of pedestrians.
  91. What must a driver do when approaching a railroad crossing without a warning cross?
    Approach with caution and look both directions for approaching trains and listen for sounds that indicated an approaching train.
  92. When are drivers required to wait at a railroad corssing?
  93. When may drivers cross the tracks of an unguarded railroad crossing marked by a flashing light when a train has just passed?
  94. What must a driver do when approaching a railroad crossing where the barriers are open?
    Approach at a moderate speed and observe the tracks to the right and left.
  95. In a housing aread controlled by the U.S. Forces, what are drivers required to do when apporaching a school bus that has come to a stop?
    Stop, regardless of whether or not approaching or following the bus, and do not continue until the bus begins to move again.
  96. When a streetcar has stopped at a pedestrian island, drivers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right.
  97. Passing a vehicle at a railroad crossing is illegal.
  98. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to which of the following?
  99. Under what conditions may drivers pass other vehicles at zebra crossings?
    None. Drivers must not pass other vehicles at zebra crossings.
  100. When a driver sees a pedestrian wearing a yellow armband marked with three black dots attempting to cross the street, the driver must do which of the following?
    Slow down and stop if necessary to allow the pedestrian to cross.
  101. Drivers may not pass cars at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight.
  102. Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross.
  103. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed.
  104. When approaching a congested intersection and the light is green, the driver should do which of the following?
    Stop before the intersection until the intersection is clear.
  105. When a yellow light is flashing at an intersection, the driver must do what?
    Approach cautiously and yield the right-of-way if necessary.
  106. What must the driver do when approaching an intersection and seeing the traffic light turn from green to yellow?
    Slow down and prepare to stop if this can be done without endangering vehicles to the rear.
  107. If the driver of a passenger vehicle wants to turn left and a streetcar traveling in the same direction left of the passenger vehicle is proceeding straight ahead, which vehicle has to wait?
  108. A police officer controls traffic at an intersection and the traffic lights are in operation. Which signals must drivers obey?
  109. A driver who notices that an emergency vehicle is approaching should do which of the following?
    Drive to the extreme right and stop. In bumper-to-bumper traffic, as in a Stau, move to the extreme right from the right-hand lane and to the extreme left from the left-hand lane to form a passageway in the middle.
  110. What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and multitone horn approaches?
  111. Drunk driving is a felony in Germany and may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years.
  112. What besides alcohol may impair a person's ability to drive safely?
International Driver's Test for Military in Germany.
International driver's test for military men and women based in Germany.
  • The foreign driver’s licence is valid in Germany in the first few months, especially if you are from an EU country. You should check the age limits or time restrictions for the different kinds of licences in Germany. A driver’s licence class C1 and C1E for example needs to be renewed every five years.
  • . not have caused any accident in Germany. In all other German states, a US driver’s license can only be converted into a German driver’s license without a practical and/or theoretical exam if a reciprocity agreement between Germany and the issuing US state exists (see above). German Driving School (Fahrschule).

These are the very worst drivers of 2019, taken from episodes #279 to #304. They are the scariest, craziest, dumbest, most careless, reckless and selfish dri. If you do not already have a copy of the study material, you can download it here. The manual is AE Pamphlet 190-34 and USAFE Pamphlet 31-206, called 'Drivers Handbook and Examination Manual for Germany.' To help you study the material more easily, we have put together two interactive study guides.

This page contains topics:

  1. Right-of-way on Curved Priority Roads
  2. Traffic Signals in Germany

1. Right of Way

To understand the right of way, it does not matter where a road user wants to proceed, the only important is, where it comes from. Whether it comes from a priority road or from a green signal or from a road where a police officer is regulating the traffic. Right of way applies to all road users. No matter a car, a motorbike, a bicycle, a pedestrian, a hand-pushed non-motorized vehicle, etc.

General rules regulating right-of-way are:

  • Buses pulling into traffic from marked bus stops have the right-of-way. Bus drivers indicate their intention to enter the flow of traffic with their turn signals.
  • Funeral processions have the right-of-way over other traffic.
  • Emergency vehicles (ambulances, police cars, fire department vehicles, and other vehicles identifiable by their flashing blue lights and multitone warning signals) have special right-of-way privileges. Upon hearing multitone warning signals of emergency vehicles, drivers must pull over to the right and stop if necessary.
    In an autobahn traffic jam (Stau) situation, drivers are required to move their vehicles to the extreme right or left (depending on the lane they are currently standing on) to permit the emergency vehicle to pass through the center of the congestion. On three-lane Autobahns, clearance (rescue alley) must be made between left and center lanes.
  • Streetcars have priority over general traffic when tracks go through a traffic circle and sign 101 with a supplemental sign or sign 205 is posted with a silhouette of a streetcar with the word Straßenbahn or Straßenbahn Vorfahrt.
Sign 101

This is the general warning or danger sign. It indicates an approaching dangerous area, for example, road construction work. A supplementary sign may explain the danger. This sign is also posted before roads with streetcar tracks along with supplementary signs.

Sign 205

Yield Right-of-Way. This sign indicates driver must yield to traffic on the upcoming priority road. If necessary, come to a complete stop to allow traffic on the priority road to clear before proceeding.


2. Right-of-Way in Parallel Moving Traffic

Straight ahead moving traffic has priority over turning traffic, provided both are on the same road.
In the below illustration, Vehicle A wants to intersect vehicle B which is moving in its own lane. Vehicle B has the right-of-way in its lane and vehicle A must yield to vehicle B and also wait for the clear way after vehicle B before proceeding.

In an intersection or junction, the left turning vehicle must yield to the oncoming traffic.

The left-turning vehicle must yield to any oncoming traffic.

Similarly, if there is a bicycle lane or a bus lane on the right side of the same road, the right-turning vehicle must yield to the cyclist or bus, whatever the case.

The blue vehicle wants to turn right. It must yield to any cyclist in the bicycle lane.

Also, if there is a pedestrian marked way on the turn, the turning vehicle must yield to any pedestrian crossing the road. Pedestrians' road crossing rules on unmarked roads are explained under the separate heading.

Turning vehicles must yield to any pedestrian crossing the road.

Please notice that in the above illustration, the signal for the car is turned green, but also the signal for pedestrian crossing is green. Pedestrians are walking in their own lane and the car wants to cross their lane, so pedestrians have right of way and cross the road first then the vehicle would proceed.

If the green light for the car has an arrow (as displayed in the following illustration), then the vehicle may turn without considering pedestrians because the green arrow indicates all other signals are turned red in the given time.

A green arrow traffic light indicates that all other signals for the parallel traffic are now turned red.

In all the above cases, busses, cyclists, or pedestrians don't have any exceptional right-of-way. They are normal road users like any other vehicle. All these rules apply because they are moving parallel in their own lane and they have the right-of-way in their own lane over the intersecting traffic/road users.

If both of the vehicles have to turn to the same road, the left turning vehicle yield to the vehicle that has a right turn. Please see the below illustration.

Vehicle A has the right-of-way, and vehicle B must yield to vehicle A or any other vehicle following vehicle A.

3. Right of Way while Changing a Lane

The vehicle traveling in a lane has a right of way (Vorrang) in its own lane. When a vehicle from another lane turns on the indicator to change its lane, the lane-changer is actually 'requesting' the vehicle behind him in the intended lane to give a place for the lane-change maneuver.

If a rear-end collision occurs, usually the liability is on the driver who has changed the lane. However, in some cases, a partial liability of the other driver may be present if, for example, he suddenly accelerated which the lane-changer could not foresee.

According to German road traffic regulations(StVO) page 7 para 5: In all cases, a lane may only be changed if a hazard to other road users is 'excluded'. Every lane change must be announced in an advanced time and clearly.

An exception is only for public buses when they want to depart from their marked stops. This is indicated on page 20 para 5 of StVO: 'Public buses and school buses must be allowed to depart of marked stops when they turn on their signals. Drivers red lion controls usb devices. If necessary, other vehicles must wait.' Trams in the city come under the same rule as buses, so they are automatically included in the above exception.


4. Right-of-Way in Intersecting Traffic (Intersection and Junction)

German driving schools have developed an interesting way to teach the right of way to their students. The following Pyramid from top to bottom shows how the right of way is implemented.

The Priority Pyramid

As the above pyramid shows a police officer standing on the road and regulating the traffic has the topmost priority to establish the right of way for traffic. For example, if a police officer regulating the traffic, signals a vehicle stopped at a red signal to drive on, the vehicle must follow the officer's instructions and ignore the red signal. But that is very rare and police officers come to control the traffic in only an emergency situation.

Next on the priority list comes the traffic signals. Which have priority over traffic signs.

In the absence of a traffic light or traffic sign on an intersection or junction, the 'right before left' rule becomes automatically applicable.

The above pyramid, from bottom to top is discussed in detail below.

5. Right before Left

The 'right before left' rule is applicable in intersections and junctions (a place where vehicles have to cross perpendicular to each other).

If there are no traffic signs or signals in an intersection or junction, a vehicle approaching from the right has the right-of-way over a vehicle on its left. Please see the below examples.


5.1 Examples of Right before Left Rule

In the illustration below, vehicle A comes from the right of vehicle B.
The vehicle B comes from the left for vehicle A.
There are no traffic signals or traffic signboards. In this case, the rule 'right before left' is applied. So, vehicle A has the priority.
It does not matter if any of the vehicles want to turn or not, vehicle A comes from the right and must be allowed to proceed first.

Vehicle A has the right-of-way according to right before left rule.

It does not matter how wide a road is. The width of the road does not say anything about the right-of-way / priority laws.

Germany Others Driver Ed

When there are three vehicles in an intersection. It doesn't matter where they want to proceed. As discussed at the beginning of this page, the only important thing in the right-of-way is, from where a road user comes. They must follow the following sequences according to the right before left rule.

Vehicle A has the right-of-way according to right before left. Then vehicles B and C cross the intersection respectively.

In the above illustration, vehicle A crosses the intersection first as it has no vehicle coming from its right.
When vehicle A is gone, the vehicle B has no right neighbor and is allowed to advance.
Finally, the vehicle C is left and may cross the intersection.

Of course, a situation can arrive when vehicles can come from all four directions. Please see the illustration below.

In the above situation, each vehicle has a vehicle on its right. One vehicle must renounce its right-of-way and the driver should give a hand signal. The vehicle that gives up its right-of-way can only allow or signal a vehicle on its left to proceed because the vehicle on the right side already has a right-of-way over the left one.

For example, vehicle D can only signal vehicle A, as vehicle D has the right-of-way over A. Once vehicle D has cleared the way, the rest of the vehicles can proceed according to the right before left rule.

Germany Others Driver

The right-before-left rule is only considered when a route crosses another route. For example, in the following situation, there is no consideration of right-of-way or priority because both vehicle,s routes are not crossing.

No vehicle's course is crossing any other vehicle's course, so no consideration for the right before left rule or right of way.

6. Exceptions to Right before Left

Right before left rule is not applicable in the following situations:

  • When a vehicle comes from a field, forest, or meadow path.
  • When a vehicle comes from a traffic-calming zone or a pedestrian zone.
  • When a vehicle comes from a property entrance.
  • When a vehicle comes from the edge of the bicycle lane or another part of the same road. (When a vehicle changes its lane on the same roadway.)
  • When a vehicle enters a road from a road shoulder or ramp.


7. Traffic Signs Regulating Right-of-Way

There are four main traffic signs that regulate the right of way on crossings or intersections in absence of traffic lights.

Sign 205

Yield right-of-way! Drivers must yield to the traffic on the crossing priority road. This is the only upside down red triangle road sign. So, it can also be recognized from the backside.

Sign 206

Stop and yield right of way! The driver must completely stop the vehicle at this sign and yield to traffic on the priority road. This sign implements 'yield right of way' more strictly than the previous one.

Sign 301

Priority Road Sign

This sign indicates that this road has priority, 'only' at the next coming crossing or intersection.

Sign 306

Priority Road

This road has priority at all coming intersections or crossings till sign 307 cancels the priority.

Sign 307

This sign marks the end of a Priority Road.

If there are traffic signs installed in an intersection or crossing, the right before left rule is no more applicable. In the case of sign 205 or sign 206 , not only from the right side approaching traffic has right-of-way but also vehicles coming from the left have the right-of-way. Sign 205 is the only triangle sign in all the German traffic signs which has a corner facing downwards, while sign 206 is the only hexagon sign and that’s why both can also be recognized from the backside.

Yield signs and priority road signs installed at an intersection.

The priority road sign is posted before the intersection inside buildup areas and after the intersection outside buildup areas. The stop sign is often assisted by a thick white line, called stop line (Haltelinie). Driver must stop the vehicle before this stop line before proceeding.

Some traffic signal posts can also have traffic signs attached to them. It can be on the top of traffic lights, below the lights, or attached to the side of the lights. These traffic lights are turned off at night, that's why they have traffic signs attached to them. In normal daylight conditions when signal lights are working, they have priority over traffic signboards attached to them. After the traffic lights have been switched off or the yellow light is blinking, vehicles must follow the signs attached to the traffic light post.

Signal turned Red with a Priority Road Sign.


Germany Others Driver Jobs

Signal turned Green with a Stop Sign.

In the above illustration, although the signal shows the green light but there is also a stop sign attached to it. As long as the signal is switched on and working its lights have priority over the sign attached to it. After the signal is switched off, the sign shows that traffic on this road must yield to the traffic on the priority road.


8. Kinked or Curved Priority Road

Curved/turning priority road has a supplementary sign attached to the main priority road sign which shows the course of the priority road. The thick curve in the supplementary sign indicates the course of the priority road.

Sign 301 with 1002-10

Indicates that traffic on the priority road (indicated by the wide, curved black line) has the right-of-way at the next junction.

Sign 306 with 1002-21

Another example of a turning priority road. The thick curved line is the priority road while the thinner lines show non-priority roads. In reality, however, a non-priority road could be wider than the priority road. So, the actual width of a road doesn't establish its priority.

Please note that the vehicle following the course of a curved priority road must also blink.

An example illustration of a curved priority road.

In the above illustration, the general right before left rule is not applicable because the priority is assigned through signboards and road markings. Traffic coming from road A and road D has the right of way.
The intersection in this example has road markings, but there can be some intersections without lines or road markings, so the driver must pay attention to signboards, for example, in the winter months road markings may be hidden under snow.

8.1 Traffic Rules at an Intersection on a Curved Priority Road

Example 1

In the situation illustrated below, a vehicle from road A wants to drive to the road C and at the same time, a vehicle from the road D also wants to drive to the road B.

In between roads A and road D, right before left rule applies because both of the roads are at the same priority level.

If the intersecting roads have the same level of priority, the right before left rule is applied. The vehicle coming from road A has priority over the vehicle approaching from the road D, as road A is on the right of road D. The same rule applies if both vehicles want to drive to road B or road C simultaneously.

Example 2

In the second situation illustrated below, there is no vehicle on the priority road, a vehicle from the road B wants to drive to the road D and at the same time, a vehicle from the road C wants to drive to road A.

In between roads B and road C, the right before left applies because both are at the same priority level.

The vehicle coming from road C has priority over the vehicle coming from road B, as road C is on the right of road B. The same rule applies if both of the vehicles want to drive to road A or road D simultaneously.

9. Traffic Signals in Germany

Basic traffic signals in Germany are the same red, yellow and green. However, there is a special sequence to consider from red to green and then backward from green to red. This sequence is common among many other European countries.

From red to green
1. Red light is the stoplight and next comes red and yellow lights simultaneously.
2. Red and yellow turn off and the green light turns on.

From green to red
1. Green light turns off and yellow turns on.
2. Yellow turns off and red turns on.

Sequence from red to green

Sequence from green to red

So, if a vehicle comes around a corner and the driver sees a yellow light, he/she must be ready to stop. As after only yellow light comes the red. If both yellow and red lights are on, they indicate next will be the green.

9.1 Left Turn on Green

At an intersection, while turning left on the green signal, a vehicle must yield to the oncoming traffic, because the parallel traffic has right of way in its own lane.

Left turn: yield on green

9.2 Left Turn on Red

Left turns on a red light are allowed only in a one-way-street.

9.3 Right Turn on Red

No right turn on red sign! There are rules for turning right on red. A right turn on red is allowed only under two conditions.

  1. If there a green arrow attached next to the red light.
  2. If there is another traffic signal attached next to the right of the main signal and the green arrow traffic light is turned on. Please see the following illustrations.

1. Traffic signal with a green arrow

It is legal to make a right turn on red, if a green arrow is attached next to the red light.

2. Traffic signal with a supplementary signal

A right turn on red is allowed if there is a supplementary traffic signal next to the main signal and the green arrow light is on.

In the first situation, when a green arrow is attached to the right side of the red traffic light, turning right is allowed but the driver should stop and look for a clear way before proceeding. Also, look for bicycles on the right and any pedestrian, if there is a crosswalk. This green arrow doesn't symbolize right-of-way. It just allows turning carefully. This sign is attached to the top corner of the traffic light signal, exactly in front of the red light.

The second condition for the right turn on red is an additional traffic signal attached to the right of the main signal. This additional signal has only two lights i.e. green and red. When the green arrow light on this additional signal is on, that means all other traffic signals for the parallel traffic are now red.

It means when the green arrow traffic light is on, any bicycle lane has red, any pedestrian's crosswalk has red, or any other traffic light on the right has red and the way is clear. Please check the difference between the attachment positions of this additional signal and the above-explained green arrow sign on the traffic signal.


10. Rules for Pedestrians on the Road

Road markings and signals for pedestrians have already been explained in the above topic. This topic explains situations without road markings and signals.

Pedestrians are also normal road users they don't have any special right-of-way, and there are rules regarding crossing the road. These are explained in the following example situations. These example situations are illustrated below at intersections. The traffic in these illustrations includes cars, cyclists, and pedestrians.

These example situations are illustrated below at intersections. The traffic in these illustrations includes cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. 'straight-ahead moving traffic has priority over turning traffic, provided both are on the same road'.

10.1 Situation 1

Vehicle A and Vehicle B must yield to pedestrian C and cyclist D

In the above illustration, vehicle A and Vehicle B from road 2 want to turn to road 1. Pedestrian C and cyclist D are also moving on road 2 and want to go straight ahead on road 2. Road users A and B want to cross the lanes of road users C and D. Both C and D have the right-of-way in their own lanes over any intersecting traffic. So both vehicles, A and B must yield to C and D.

10.2 Situation 2

Both vehicles have priority in this situation

The Right-Before-Left rule does not apply to pedestrians. So, a pedestrian coming from the right side of a vehicle has no priority. The only applicable rule in this situation is 'Right-of-Way in Parallel Moving Traffic' (Vorrang). Pedestrian C would need a pedestrian crosswalk (zebra crossing) to have a right-of-way over vehicle A. Same is the case for pedestrian D.

Vehicle B has priority over pedestrian D as the pedestrian is coming from a different road than the car, so no priority.
Similarly, Vehicle A has priority over pedestrian C, because C is coming from a different road.

10.3 Situation 3

First pedestrian C crosses the road then vehicle B turns to road 1, and finally the pedestrian A crosses the road.


Pedestrian C and vehicle B are moving on the same road 2, so pedestrian C has priority over vehicle B. Pedestrian A comes from a different road, that's why vehicle B has priority over him.

Vehicle B is leaving road 2 and entering road 1.
According to 'Right-of-Way in Parallel Moving Traffic' (Vorrang),

  1. left-turning traffic must yield to oncoming traffic.
  2. However, in the case of pedestrian traffic, any left or right turning traffic must yield to pedestrians on that road.

Pedestrian A would need the pedestrian crosswalk (zebra crossing) to have a priority over vehicle B.

10.3.1 Situation 3.1

It does not matter the road continues or ends. At the T-intersection below, it's the same order as described above at the intersection with crossing roads.

Exactly as in the above situation (3.1), first pedestrian C crosses the road then vehicle B turns to road 1 and finally pedestrian A crosses the road.

10.3.2 Situation 3.2

If the vehicle is taking a right turn, the same rule follows. Please see the illustration below.


Again the same situation. The only difference is that the vehicle is turning right this time. First pedestrian C crosses the road then vehicle B turns to road 1 and finally the pedestrian A crosses the road.

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10.3.3 Situation 3.3

Or the direction of pedestrians should not create any confusion. Below is another variation of the above-explained situation.

Again the same situation. The only difference is the direction change in pedestrian C movement. First pedestrian C crosses the road then vehicle B turns to road 1 and finally pedestrian A crosses the road.


11. Roundabout rules in Germany

  1. The roundabout sign (sign 215) is always posted before the start of a roundabout, underneath the 'yield' sign (sign 205). This indicates the traffic entering a roundabout must yield to the traffic already moving in the roundabout. Inside the roundabout, there are no extra signs.
  2. Roundabout sign

    Sign 215 with sign 205, indicating approach of a roundaboud

  3. Inside the roundabout, parking or stopping is prohibited.
  4. A roundabout must be approached from the right side.
  5. Any vehicle leaving the roundabout must use its turn signals. A vehicle entering the roundabout should not use turn signals. If you blink while entering a roundabout, the following driver might think you want to leave the roundabout straight away.
  6. Vehicle B must blink. Vehicle A should not blink.

  7. Vehicles leaving the roundabout must yield to the pedestrians and cyclists who want to cross the road. Vehicles entering a roundabout have right-of-way over any crossing pedestrian or cyclist.
  8. The red car is leaving the roundabout and has to intersect the pedestrian moving in the same direction straight ahead. So this car must yield to the pedestrian. The yellow car enters the circle. It has a right-of-way over the pedestrian because he comes from another street. The pedestrian would need the pedestrian crosswalk (zebra crossing) to have priority over the yellow car.

  9. If a crossing looks like a roundabout or traffic circle but has no roundabout signs, it's not a roundabout. It is just a simple intersection. The right-before-left rule applies in such kind of a round looking intersection.
  10. This is not a roundabout. There are no roundabout signs. It is a round intersection. Vehicle A has right-of-way according to the right-before-left rule.

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